We've teamed up with fellow Bristolian Mr Penfold for an art-focussed, limited edition capsule
collection, consisting of a t-shirt, ashtray, mug, notebooks and a sticker pack.
We also caught up with Mr Penfold and asked him about his work.
We also caught up with Mr Penfold and asked him about his work.
Photography by Joshua J Sneade
The name Penfold, what was it inspired from?
It was just a nick name from when I was at school really. I've got tiny eyes
It was just a nick name from when I was at school really. I've got tiny eyes
and look like the character.
When did you get into creating art?
My parents are both artists so it's something I've always done. Always knew
When did you get into creating art?
My parents are both artists so it's something I've always done. Always knew
it's what I wanted to do for a living. Never thought it'd happen though!
What’s your personal favourite piece you’ve created?
I'm gonna say our collection just to butter you up! Na I can't really say to be honest.
What’s your personal favourite piece you’ve created?
I'm gonna say our collection just to butter you up! Na I can't really say to be honest.
I move so fast with my work that something I did last year is old to me.
I guess the best work comes from experience and people you meet!
You’ve worked with some huge brands, how much creative control do you have?
It's a bit of a thing with me. I don't like doing jobs where I don't have full creative control.
I think the work totally loses it's feeling if too many people stick their fingers in my paint pot.
I love working with one or two people on a project where you can sit round over a few beers and
I love working with one or two people on a project where you can sit round over a few beers and
get really hyped and excited on ideas you come up with as a group. Very different to someone telling you
they want you to do a lion in the style of Dennis the menace.... fuck off basically haha!

Who are your favourite artists?
As far as current artist... I can't get over the work of Momo! The dude is a don.
What inspires you to create?
Anything and everything. I just love making something that didn't exist before.
What made you want to collaborate with Parlez?
We were both in the same studio block and kept bumping into each other on fag breaks.
I'd seen the clothes about in Bristol stores and online and always liked the look and feel of the brand.
Was a no brainer when the guys asked me to collab!
What’s next for you?
I've got a big solo show happening in Bristol on the 25th March, so I'm pretty much on studio lockdown
What’s next for you?
I've got a big solo show happening in Bristol on the 25th March, so I'm pretty much on studio lockdown
from now until then making the paintings and doing bad instagram stories.
Is there anything you’ve always wanted to create but just haven’t had the chance or time?
I'd love to do an outdoor public sculpture in the next few years.
Is there anything you’ve always wanted to create but just haven’t had the chance or time?
I'd love to do an outdoor public sculpture in the next few years.
I wanna start translating my work into bigger 3D projects.

The full collection is available online now - click HERE